27 November 2020

Corbrook & New Visions Toronto 2021 Fundraising Raffle
9 September 2021Play Golf, Have Fun, and Change Lives!
Corbrook Awakening Abilities & New Visions Toronto invites you to our 3rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament. Join us on September 29th, 2021 at Deer Creek Golf & Banquet Facility.
While everyone has felt the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, we know that more vulnerable individuals with developmental disabilities have particularly struggled with these changes. At Corbrook and New Visions Toronto, we have been focused on ensuring that every person we support has stayed healthy and safe, and remained as active as possible during these challenging times.
We have all been adjusting to the new, ever-changing restrictions that are being implemented. The people we support currently continue to face the suspension of their day services, which greatly reduces their engagement and involvement with their communities. Additionally, the need to physically distance and isolate from families and friends remains exceptionally difficult.
At Corbrook and New Visions Toronto, we receive much of our basic funding from the government. However, many of our programs and services rely on fundraising initiatives. Last year our annual Golf Tournament, the largest fundraiser of the year, was canceled due to COVID-19.
Now that golf courses have reopened, we have started planning and preparing for our 2021 Charity Golf Tournament! There will be format changes in order to comply with all provincial guidelines, but this tournament is guaranteed to be a fun-filled event. We hope that all of our supporters will be able to join us again this year. Since reaching our maximum capacity will likely be a challenge, please consider bringing a friend or participating as a foursome.
With your generous support, our goal is to raise $100,000 to fund program enrichment, accessible educational enhancements, and participant entry for outings and activities the people we support would otherwise be unable to attend.
Registration is now open for both golfers and sponsors (please see the attached fillable PDFs) Also note that complete refunds will be provided in the event the tournament cannot proceed. If you are unable to participate or if you pre-register and the tournament is canceled, consider making a 100% tax receipt eligible donation. Every gift makes a tremendous difference.
We hope that you are well and that our wonderful community will be able to return to a ‘new normal’ very soon.
Thank you in advance for your patronage and stay safe!

Click below for Registration forms. Forms can be filled in directly from your screen and download. Email your completed forms to:
Deepak Soni
Chief Executive Officer
Tel: 416 245-5565 ext. 324
Fax: 416 245-5358
Andy Rotsma
Executive Director
Tel: 416 868-1493 ext. 224
Fax: 416 868-6042