Employment services: Corbrook supports more than 200 people who have a disability to obtain and sustain satisfying jobs with employers who want committed employers. Our innovative, personalized supports and services, and highly-skilled, well-connected Employment Specialists will help you prepare for work, find the right job for you and provide ongoing support so you can succeed in your new role.
Services For Job Seekers
- Employment Goal Planning
- Cover Letter & Resume Writing
- Interview Preparation
- Job Development Supports
- Job Coaching
- Ongoing Job Retention Support
- Employment Workshops and Individualized Training
- Identifying Software and Mobility Devices
- Transportation Support
- Specialized Computer Training
Services For Employers
- Skilled Employees; matching the right person to the right job
- Employment Specialists; knowledgeable in job coaching and training in various fields of employment
- Ongoing Job Retention Support
- Employer Workshops and Training
- Employer Recognition In Our Newsletter and Social Media Platforms
For more information contact us at 416-245-5565 or email us at info@corbrook.com. Our Business Hours are 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM.